If you want to gain knowledge in IT, get a strong start and to become a specialist, who is needed by IT-company - then SCIA is just for you!


You will get many perspectives, when you choose us
  • Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа

    In education you can:

    - continue the study in the magistracy and graduate school
    - gain experience during the international program
    - visit and participate in many interesting conferences
    - travel with your groupmates and visit events

  • Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа

    After graduation you can work as:

    - Information analyst;
    - SMM specialist;
    - Administrator of electronic document management systems;
    - PR, HR, and content manager.
    - the civil servant;
    - Керівник бібліотеки чи архіву
    - Head of the library or archive
    - Administrator and moderator of web communities
